Our Strategic Partner
Hudson Global ScholarsThe Hudson Global Alliance has a strategic relationship with our sister organization, Hudson Global Scholars—which was founded by a team of seasoned online education leaders to help international students pursue their dreams on American shores.

For U.S. Prep Schools
Hudson Global Scholars partners with elite U.S. prep schools to deliver high-quality online programs and courses that are worthy of their name and reputation, and then brings them to international schools and students. These prep school partners derive a share of the tuition revenue from these international schools/students. For top U.S. prep schools, Hudson Global Scholars takes the risk and guesswork out of becoming a 21st century education leader, and paves the way to successful innovation, expansion, and sustainability.

For U.S. Colleges and Universities
Hudson Global Scholars’ holistic, transparent, and rigorous college prep programming – including best-in-breed coursework, intensive English-language skills development, and holistic college application guidance – cultivates top-notch international students who are fully vetted and ready to engage in elite U.S. university settings. HGS’ university partners benefit from a superior pipeline of international students.
Learn More
Learn more about how Hudson Global Scholars can serve your prep school or college/university.

Hudson Global Alliance is a non-profit membership organization which brings together education leaders at forward-thinking U.S. prep schools, college, and universities to better understand and serve international students who want to study in the U.S.